Mike Luecken

In the early 1980s, DC Comics promoted Batman group editor Dick
Giordano to editorial director for the company. Writer-artist Frank Miller was
recruited to create The Dark Knight Returns. Giordano said he worked with Miller on the story's
plot. During the creation of the series, fellow comics writer/artist John Byrne
told Miller, "Robin must be a girl", and Miller complied. Giordano
left the project halfway through because of disagreements over production
deadlines. Miller said that the comic series' plot was inspired by Dirty Harry,
specifically the 1983 film Sudden Impact, in which Dirty Harry returns to crime-fighting after a lengthy
convalescence. Miller also said his own increasing age was a factor in the
plot. DC published the issues of The Dark Knight Returns in packaging that included extra pages, square
binding and glossy paper to highlight the watercolor paintings by colorist Lynn
Now if you’re a Batman fan you must of read this book over 5 times when
you got it because this is one of the most greatest well developed storylines
that I for one have ever read. This graphic novel brings in so many well-known
and beloved characters from the DC universe while adding some new characters
with in this mix. This story came out back in 1986 so if your someone who is
new to comics and started reading comics within the last 5 years some of the
plot wont make sense to you. Fo
r instance I’m a huge fan of the new 52 series Red Hood and The
Outlaws, which is based up of Jason
Todd who was the second robin and his 2 counterparts of Arsenal who was Green
Arrow’s sidekick Speedy, and Starfire from the Teen Titans. Anyway in the
beginning of the book Bruce Wayne is talking to James Gordon and they mention
that something had happen to Jason. Now the cool part is that hinted to the
death of Jason in the series A Death In The Family that came 2 years later. But as most of us know and as
I just said Jason comes back as the Red Hood while also putting Batman through
hell in the process. I mention Jason because this leads up to Batman retiring
and never having another robin after that until this book. As you read that you
are probably saying what is he talking! But I assure you I know what I’m
talking about and I will tell you why. SPOILER ALERT (If you don’t want to read
this portion go to Book 1 and come back to after Book 4) This is why it would
have been the end of Bruce Wayne as Batman at 55 and you would of never had the
other three robins that came after Jason they would of never existed if they
had all the comics after this as a prequel to The Dark Knight Returns. So DC comics did what they do best and made this
into a multi verse story.

Book 1
The book starts out with a newspaper article written by Jimmy
Olsen (who is Superman’s best friend for those who didn’t know), where he talks
about the glory days were there were heroes. There’s a saloon where villains
hangout and talk about the old days. Olsen talks about the bartender named
Jones, and says he’s from mars which I think is a reference to Martian
Manhunter who’s name is Jon Jones. This Saloon is where the villains
come to talk about old
war stories from the “golden age”, they say, it was the age of heroes. They
always talk about a Man of Steel and an Amazon Princess but know one talk about
him. They call him the mean one, the cruel one, the one who couldn’t fly or
bend steal, the one who scared the crap out of everyone and laughed at all of
the rest of us for being the envious cowards we were. They never would never
talk about him without some ones jaw dropping or even the scariest one of among
them bursting into tears of the name of Batman. They all do still think of the
Batman and wonder what ever happened to him.

book starts off with a charity race that Bruce Wayne is driving a stock car in.
Where Bruce pushes the car to far and ends up making the car explode but ejects
from his seat to safety. Then afterwards it’s all over the news of what
happened to Bruce Wayne. These beginning 2 pages already gives you the sense
that Batman is retired and Bruce is trying to feel a rush again of danger.
After the news of Bruce Wayne’s accident it cuts to the retirement of
commissioner James Gordon for his service of 30 years and the 10th
anniversary of the last known sighting of the Batman. This next page shows
Bruce Wayne and Jim Gordon having a celebratory retirement drink at a
restaurant. Jim who is proud to be retiring, unlike Bruce who doesn’t like
being retired and Jim then reminds him of two of his former robins. Jim
mentions Dick Grayson for a moment asking if Bruce has spoken to him lately and
also about Jason Todd to remember why he retired from the cape and cowl. Bruce
then after the comment about Jason decides to call it a night. After this it
cuts back to the media were they speak about the rehabilitation of Harvey Dent,
for those of you who don’t know or have never seen Christopher Nolan’s Dark
Knight, Harvey Dent is two face. Dent has
undergone plastic surgery so that both sides of his face are now normal. Dent
then makes a public announcement of how he wants to go back to public service
and will try to earn the respect of the people as he had as district attorney
before his accident and became two face.
next couple of pages from there are of Bruce Wayne having nightmares and visions
of why he became Batman and even visiting the bat cave to look upon Jason
Todd’s former robin suit. Bruce is then seen watching television and all those
reasons come back and then see all the terrible things that are happening to
his city. At this point Bruce decides to dust off the old uniform and come out
of retirement to clean up Gotham City once and for all. The next couple of
pages are of Batman back to work taking down thugs and finding out who the
thugs are working for. Batman searches a thug and finds a coin and that one sid
e is deeply scratched.
Batman instantly knows Dent is back to his old game. Batman is then seen all
over the news and so we cut to arkham asylum where the joker is comatose
watching television and then suddenly awakens to find Batman back out in the
streets and out of retirement. Batman now is on the hunt for Harvey Dent who
has sent out a terrorist threat to blow up the Gotham twin towers unless he
receives 5 million dollars. Batman then tracks down Dent to see that his face is
bandaged all around and Batman thinking that he destroyed his whole face now.
Batman now takes the bandages off where now Harvey has gone insane thinking his
face were both sides of two faces face’s but the surgery just had a
psychological effect on Dent’s mind state and thinks the inside matches the
outside now.

Book 2
2 starts with Jim Gordon. Jim is walking into a liquor store and a mutant
teenager tries to murder him but instead Jim ends up shooting the mutant teen
and dies. The mutant gang is out to get Jim Gordon before his retirement but
Jim is still fighting back to take the gang down. The next page introduces the new robin, Carrie Kelly. Carrie
then sets out on patrol to help Batman on his war on crime where she stops a
mugger. At this ti
me though Batman has no
idea of her existence. Then we cut to Batman were the mutant gang has abducted
a child for ransom. Batman of course finds the gang members and incapacitates
them and saves the child. Batman on the other hand also interrogates one of the
mutants to find out who is supplying the gang with weapons and where the gang
is meeting for a big meeting. Where now Batman is now holding 5 star general
Nathan Briggs in his arms after he had committed suicide after Batman had found
out he was the supplier for the mutant gang. The general was using the money to
help his wife who had a rare form of cancer get treatment because the army
would not help pay for it. Next we see Carrie tailing a couple of mutants to a
meeting for the gang, which she hopes to find Batman to fight alongside of.
Batman is then seen driving a tank like batman mobile to the meeting place for
the gang at the dump. Batman then takes on the mutant leader in an epic battle
where the mutant leader almost beats batman to death until Carrie decides to
jump in. Carrie jumps on the mutant leaders face and as the leader tosses her
off his face Batman throws a gas pellet at the mutant leaders face and Batman
and Carrie end up escaping. As Batman and the new robin are on there way to
safety we cut to the white house where the president is talking to superman
about getting batman to go back into retirement and to remain retired. To make
matters worse we then cut back to the joker who is now fooling the doctors into
thinking is sane and the doctors believe it.

back at the bat cave Batman is being treated for his wounds and is now
recovering and plotting on a way to take down the mutant leader. After the
fight though the mutant leader was captured and is now in custody of the police
and so the media starts buzzing about that between interviews from the people
of Gotham and the
mutant gang members. Jim then meets his new replacement Captain Yindel. Jim
then tells the new commissioner of the job and what it comes with. As this is
going on Batman and robin are back on patrol but this time robin is in disguise
dressed as a mutant spreading a fake meeting to all mutants at the west river
pipe. This plot is for all the mutants to see the mutant leader and Batman go
up against one another again. Batman then breaks the mutant leader out of jail
just to have one last show down. Batman ends up beating the mutant leader and
the gang is now of no more.

Book 3
start out the media talking about the fall of the mutant leader and now there’s
a new gang called the sons of the batman who
once part of the mutant gang and now align themselves with Batman. Next page
there’s a robbery in a liquor store of a new gang called the Bruno’s who are
represented by a big butchy Nazi woman. Batman ends up taking down the robbers
disguised as a crazy old lady. While Batman is interrogating Bruno non other
than the Boy Scout himself, superman shows up. Superman shows up to talk to
Batman but they reschedule for the next day to discuss the matter. After these
events we cut to the retirement party of Jim Gordon where he is relieving his
title to captain Yindel. Yindel decides in that moment as her first act as
commissioner is to bring the Batman in to justice for his crimes around the
city. Two pages later we have the meeting of Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent to talk
about what Bruce has been doing around the city. Clark talks of how Bruce is
upsetting a lot of people since he’s come out of retirement. Bruce retaliates
at Clark of how he has sold out and is working for the government. Clark tells
him if he doesn’t go back in to retirement that some one is going to come out
for him to stop him. Bruce responds with saying that, that some one will be
Clark and to bring it on. The next couple of pages go back and forth with superman
helping fight a war in Corto Maltese and The joker going on to a talk show to
talk about his
revamping and his change
to sanity. Of course though you can’t end up trusting the joker and he uses his
special gas to bring smiles of deathly grins to each audience member within the
live television event. While that was all happening Batman was trying to
prevent these event from happening but had a run in with Gotham City police and
was to late help the people from jokers massacre. The joker is now on the loose
and makes his way to the annual carnival in Gotham where joker goes on another
rampage and Batman needs to stop him. Joker on his rampage kills dozens of
people and Batman has his last fight with the Joker. The Joker pulls out a
hidden blade and repeatedly stabs Batman until Batman snaps the joker’s neck
and paralyzes him from the next down. In jokers last breath he tells Batman how
he finally made him lose control and that he will see him in hell and the joker
by twisting his neck to snap it he finishes himself off.

Book 4:

this is one of my favorite Batman stories of all time. This story had it all.
The book was first a 4 part comic then went to graphic novel to a 2 part
animated movie. It also had its own sequel called The Dark Knight Strikes
Again, which I hear is decent a decent read
for a sequel. To everyone who has read this and has not read the story, DOOOO
ITTTTT!!! Its one of the greatest stories ever told and has some really great
artwork done that was all done in watercolor. Hope everyone enjoyed the post.
I really appreciate your enthusiasm for this book--and your recap of the plot. I'd love to know what you thought the themes of the book are? Is Miller playing with the "Batman" concept the way that Alan Moore does in "Watchmen"? What does the battle between Superman and Batman represent-if not simply individualism vs. the government? What was the impact of this book on super-hero comics afterwards? How does Miller's artwork function in the story? His depiction of Batman was very different from what had preceded him--and even what has come since. How does he envision Batman? What does his image of Batman reveal of Miller's conception of the character?