Monday, December 10, 2012


  1. I have never watched the movie, the show or seen the Buffy Vampire Slayer comics. From your description, I get a scene that it is a well developed and complicated story. I wish you gave some more background on the general story as I found it difficult to fallow your plot summary without any background knowledge.

  2. First all, thank you for posting this, Buffy is great! I think that I have to see this book because the coloring looks really vibrant, especially for its generally dark subject. I was not a comic reading person before this, but seeing everyone's posts makes me want to read them...
    Anyway, I grew up with Buffy on tv, but since reading your post, I think that I may like the comic books even better than the show. It seems that it has the same feel of the show, as you described, but with more depth. I feel that in books, it is easier to have all little details come across to the reader and on tv or in film, there is only so much you can convey in a limited time.

  3. Thank you for the very detailed synopsis. I've not been a follower of "Buffy", so this provided a good introduction. Still, I think Kate's point is important. You wrote this:
    "....Themes that is common in Joss Whedon’s work both in Television and Comic are feminism, sexuality, and family. They’re shown subtly and not subtly sometimes. "----I'd like to know what Joss Whedon actually has to say about those subjects. What was it about the whole "Buffy" /Vampire phenomenon that made it so popular? Finally, while perhaps the Buffy phenomenon is unique, comics and media have overlapped since the beginning; there have been comic book adaptations of zillions of TV shows over the last 60 years(from "The Twilight Zone" to "Star Trek" and beyond) as well as film adaptations ("Star Wars") that have been tremendously successful.

  4. I'm not into the vampire/werewolves themed stories at all, but your descriptions of the show and the comics mixed with your passion for it really has me interested. I think I will be watching Buffy this break!
